In general we recommend to notify EO Support office of ESA/Copernicus about these things to try to solve the problem at the source.
At Sentinel Hub we managed to work around this problem (I see the data in EO Browser) but I do unfortunately not know the technical details on what was done.
Note that JP2 files (raw data) are not changed in the ingestion process at all.
The have fixed this issue around April 2018, but it seems that the older data is still missing its projection. See: Sentinel-2 L2A have no projection info
@gmilcinski do you know if they are planning to add this to the older data aswell?
Thx for your answer. We will just have to work around it for the time being.
We are currently using GDAL directly, so for any1 running into the same issues:
The metadata.xml file in the AWS root directory contains among other things the EPSG and the Tile_Geocoding for each of the resolutions. You can parse these from the metadata.xml and set them using the GDAL functions: ds.SetProjection and ds.SetGeoTransform. GDAL will give a few warnings as it is not able to save these values, but it will generally work fine.