Dear Users,
We are announcing a maintenance window from 2023-12-07 07:00 to 16:00 UTC due to migration to a new Identity system. Functionality of Sentinel Hub will be limited during that time, specifically:
- Disabled registration of new users,
- Disabled forgotten password functionality,
- Disabled management of the user profile (including change password and delete profile functions) from the Dashboard,
- Disabled management of OAuth2 clients from the Dashboard,
- Checkout from the Dashboard.
The data processing services (Process API, Statistical API, OGC API, Batch Processing and Statistical API, BYOC) are planned to work without disruption.
After the migration login with username will reach final stage of deprecation and will no longer be supported. Only login with email will remain.
We apologize for the inconvenience. We will keep you updated on the progress within this topic.
Please don’t hesitate to reach out if you experience any issues.
Sentinel Hub team