The new monthly limits

Whats going on?
why is this message popping up
i used to have 29,344 requests a month and was fine but now i can’t even reach 5,000 requests and getting that message “You have reached your monthly account limits”

please don’t be like planet labs making stuff that used to be free to be paid now

This limit was introduced almost a year ago, prior to us joining Planet, it just took a (long) while before the engineering had time to implement it. Its intention is to nudge advanced users, who use the system a lot, to contribute a bit to the costs of its operation, which, as you can imagine, are significant (more than 50 PB of data being made available to hundreds of thousands of users).

Subscriptions are affordable. And there is anonymous mode with a majority of the features available without these limits. Furthermore, there are sponsored packages for research and pre-commercial exploitation, supported by ESA Network of Resources.

Last, but not least, there is now Copernicus Browser available, operated on behalf of European Space Agency and European Union, which offers similar set of features and does as well have free quotas.

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