My application collects some satellite data using your platform and sentinelhub-js library. I am able to download geotiff that gather 300 dates and 7 samples per pixel(in total: 300 * 7 = 2100 bands). Unfortunately decompression of the fetched geotiff lasts about 20 minutes(to perform decompression I use geotiff.js).
This takes definitely too much time. Is there any possibility to improve the way the data is retrieved in order to decrease decompression time?
Or maybe can I get a set of PNGs(each sample per each date as a separate PNG) or Buffer instead of geotiff and skip the whole process of decompression?
Perhaps there is a possibility to retrieve data as separate tiff pages?
Here is code for retrieve data from sentinel:
const rawDataLayer = new S2L2ALayer({
instanceId: process.env.INSTANCE_ID,
layerId: "TRUE-COLOR-S2L2A",
evalscript: rawDataEvalscript(dates),
mosaickingOrder: MosaickingOrder.LEAST_RECENT,
const getMapParams = {
transparent: true,
resx: "10m",
resy: "10m",
format: "image/tiff",
let imageBlob = (await rawDataLayer.getMap(getMapParams, ApiType.WMS)) as any as Buffer;
const BANDS_COUNT = 7;
export const rawDataEvalscript = (dates: Date[]) => {
const datesCount = dates.length;
const bandsCount = BANDS_COUNT * datesCount;
return `
function setup() {
return {
input: ["B08", "B04", "B03", "B02", "dataMask", "SCL", "CLM"],
output: [
id: "default",
bands: ${bandsCount},
sampleType: "UINT8"
mosaicking: "ORBIT"
const dates = [${dates.map((date) => `"${date.toISOString().split("T")[0]}"`).join(", ")}];
function evaluatePixel(samples, scenes) {
let data = []
let length = samples.length
for (let i = 0; i < samples.length; i++) {
const date = scenes.orbits[i].dateFrom.split("T")[0]
if (!dates.includes(date)) continue;
data.push(samples[i].B08 * 255)
data.push(samples[i].B04 * 255)
data.push(samples[i].B03 * 255)
data.push(samples[i].B02 * 255)
data.push(samples[i].dataMask * 255)
return data
And the code for extracting bands from tiff :
const rasters = await image.readRasters({ interleave: true });
- this line runs about 20 minutes
const buffer = await new Response(imageBlob).arrayBuffer();
const geotiff = await fromArrayBuffer(buffer);
const image = await geotiff.getImage();
const rasters = await image.readRasters({ interleave: true });