Use of WFS and ArcGIS

After some difficulties I was able to obtain my json request of WFS,-6.768261,106.188354,-5.380867

How can I download geoTif image once I know for example the properties of each image:

properties": {
“id”: “S1A_IW_GRDH_1SDV_20181219T112306_20181219T112335_025093_02C50F_45EB”,
“date”: “2018-12-19”,
“time”: “11:23:06”,
“path”: “s3://sentinel-s1-l1c/GRD/2018/12/19/IW/DV/S1A_IW_GRDH_1SDV_20181219T112306_20181219T112335_025093_02C50F_45EB”,
“crs”: “CRS:84”,
“mbr”: “103.554393,-7.563114 106.126303,-5.440448”


To download GeoTiff it is best to use Web Coverage Service - WCS, see:

You do not need to bother with individual scene ID, it is sufficient to know:
-layer (composite) you would like to use for data processing (choosing amongst those in your configuration).
-area (BBOX)

A WCS request for your case would be something along the lines:,-7.563114,106.126303,-5.440448&RESX=60m&RESY=60m&format=image/tiff;depth=16&TIME=2018-12-19/2018-12-19

The area of your MBR is pretty large, so I could not go for highest resolution (RESX=20m&RESY=20m) due to the rule of “maximum size = 5000x5000 px”. If you pinpoint the MBR a bit more, you will be able to get 20m resoution.

Note that I have masked the instance ID so that it cannot be used by other users. If you replace “08eeadbe-a7de-MASKED” with your Instance ID, the request above should work.

If you want to do this in ArcGIS, you can check these instructions:
You can configure the date/time settings in configuration utility, setting “Time range” FROM and TO to your desired date/time

Thanks gmilcinski, with your info I was able to download the tif file.

I just indicate a little mistake in the link you provided as there is a question mark before SERVICE:,-7.563114,106.126303,-5.440448&RESX=60m&RESY=60m&format=image/tiff;depth=16&TIME=2018-12-19/2018-12-19

I am just point out for other readers that otherwise could have problems.

PS: Thanks for masking the ID

Thanks, I corrected in the original post as well.