What is the most efficient way to get statistics of the cloud cover from Sentinel-2 L2a data over a given time range?

I want to use Sentinel-2 L2a data. To select the region of interest, I would like to get a statistic on the cloud cover for over a given time range.

My idea was so far to get the cloud mask for the larger region and given time range at lower spatial resolution. For this datacube, I can create simple statistics and judge which area has the least cloud coverage.

However, I was question myself, if there is a more efficient way which decreases the usage of processing units.

Many thanks for your help.

Kind regards

Hi Konstantin,

Thanks for the question; I would recommend reading into the Statistical API, which will eliminate the need to access the pixels and just the statistics which I think is all you require.

In fact, we actually have an example for exactly your use case.

Hope that this info helps you out!