Issue with subscribing to planetary variables

Hello community,

I am trying to subscribe to the soil water content data using the Sentinel Hub API. However, when I confirm the subscription, I encounter an error:

    "error": {
        "status": 500,
        "reason": "Internal Server Error",
        "message": "Error occurred while accessing Planet",
        "code": "DATA_PROVIDER_ERROR",
        "errors": {
            "providerError": {
                "status": 403,
                "content": "{\"error\":{\"reason\":\"Policy issue\",\"details\":[\"No valid line items found for organization_id 'XXXXXX' and resource_id 'SWC-AMSR2-C_V1.0_100'.\"]}}"

the error suggest that organization id and resource is are invalid, but I have checked and they seem to be correct.

This is how I have structured the create subscription request(which works perfectly) following the documentation(planetary variable examples):

  const data = {
      name: 'Soil water content',
      input: {
        planetApiKey: '...',
        provider: 'PLANET',
        bounds: {
          geometry: {
            type: 'Polygon',
            coordinates: [
        data: [
            dataFilter: {
              timeRange: {
                from: '2023-09-22T00:00:00Z',
                to: '2023-12-22T23:59:59Z',
              maxCloudCoverage: 5,
            type: "soil_water_content",
            id: "SWC-AMSR2-C_V1.0_100"

and this is the confirm subscription request(which brings the error) based on the returned id from the created subscription above:

 const confirmSubscription = async (accessToken, subscriptionId) => {
    const url = `${subscriptionId}/confirm`

 const options = {
      headers: {
        Authorization: `Bearer ${accessToken}`,
    const response = await, {}, options)

@chung.horng , @msterk and other community members, could you please help me understand what might be causing this issue and how I can resolve it?



please refer to this post.

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