Processing baseline info for S-2 L2A already downloaded?

Good afternoon,

This topic is about s2-l2a products queried from this: AWS bucket

I am aware, as mentioned in topic: new processing baselines impacts and topic: S2 L2A harmonization, of the attention needed towards the past 2 years changes in the sen2cor processing baselines versions, when comparing old images to recent ones.

But I don’t understand where to find the information of the processing baseline’s version which was used to process the Sentinel-2 image in the downloaded image’s folder (e.g. “L2A_T37MES_A029790_20210306T074732”, containing “AUX_DATA”, “IMG_DATA” and “QI_DATA” subfolders) ? I do not find the information in the “MTD_TL.xml” file accompanying it.

Thank you for your time.

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