Trying to Create Order through EO Browser commercial data. Find EOI choose images from a day and add to order. Then I go to create order and get the following error.
Request failed with status code 404
The products listed in the errors field were not found.
Yes no problems thanks Grega, I have just recreated with the following data. I looking at Planetscope commercial data
Date range
20/July/2023 to 24/July/2023 the days I used are 20 and 21st July
Hi! I am facing the exactly same problem as Marcus with the PlanetScope. I have the quotas, the AOI, find the images using the range and when I try to create the order I get the same message.
Request failed with status code 404
The products listed in the errors field were not found.
Sorry for the late reply. Does the error persist or it has been solved? I just tried to place an order to the product 20230721_003834_16_2495 but I did not get an error.
Still exists same error.
10/08/2023 to 12/08/2023
error message
Request failed with status code 404
The products listed in the errors field were not found.
in both cases the problem is that you do not have the permission to download the requested images: either your 12-month PlanetScope plan expired or the AoI is outside the area of the purchased Tier.
If you bought the PlanetScope HUM package through Sentinel Hub, the start date of your PlanetScope plan is the date of the purchase, which is visible in the “Billing” part of the dashboard. In all other cases (e.g., if you purchased directly from Planet), there is unfortunately no way for you to check this inside Sentinel Hub.